Johannes Hautaviita
- The Double Standard of the EU's Non-Recognition Policy, 27 January 2016
- Is Europe Complicit in the Plundering of Western Sahara? 22 September 2015
- Will the US-led Effort to Punish Iran End? , 13 July 2015
- UN nuclear conference ends in failure, 13 June 2015
- Finland, NATO and a Lack of Democracy, 13 May 2015
- On NATO Chief Stoltenberg's Speech in Munich, 19 March 2015
- Finland at NATO's Doorstep? 12 February 2015
- International Law or Diktat of the Powerful? The Case of Iran, 15 January 2015
- Israel's Impunity Enables War Crimes toContinue, 20 December 2014
- Lähi-itään ydinaseeton vyöhyke – Helsingin huippukokouksen tulisi olla Suomen ja EU:n prioriteetti, Noam Chomsky ja Johannes Hautaviita, 23.4.2014
- NATO, the EU and Russia, 8 April 2014
- US adopts hard line on Iranian missile, 16 March 2014
- The cold war revisited? 1 March 2014
- A dangerous moment for Palestine, 16 February 2014
- Yhdysvaltain Irakin-sotatoimet olivat kuin mongolien miehitys, 9.2.2014
- Why the Helsinki Conference is crucial for the Middle East, 11 December 2013 (with Bruno Jäntti)
Johannes Hautaviita on kansainväliseen politiikkaan erikoistunut tutkiva toimittaja. /Johannes Hautaviita is an investigative journalist specializing in international politics.
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