TL:n artikkeleita Articles by TL
TL:n muistoja, 5.4.2020
Baskimaan kokemuksia, 2.9.2018
Suomalaiselämää Espanjassa: Hitaan tapahtumisen hienous, 6.12.2017 (uusi versio)
Espanjalaisia vapaudenhaaveita , 19.12.2013
Marinaleda: Andalusian utopia,
4 September 2012
Spanish anarchism — with a Scottish accent,
8 September 2010
Málagan lumovoima, 8.8.2010
Suomalaiselämää Espanjassa: Hitaan tapahtumisen hienous,
Correspondents in revolutionary Spain,
23 February 2009
Guerrillas whom history left behind,
18 September 2008
26.6.2007 |
5 December 2006 |
7.6.2006 |
29.9.2005 |
7 February 2005 |
24 January 2005 |
1.9.2003 |
3.5.2003 |
Yliopisto, 19/2002 |
openDemocracy, 31 January 2002 |
YLE/Tänään iltapäivällä, 19.6.2002 |
Riitta Liede:
Olé-lehti, 21.7.2005 |
Articles by other writers Muiden kirjoittajien artikkeleita
‘Freedom': exhibition celebrates Barcelona's 1970s counterculture by Stephen Burgen, The Guardian, 10 October 2021
Old wounds are exposed as Spain finally brings up the bodies of Franco's victims by Sam Jones, The Guardian, 9 October 2021
From Revolution to Reformism by Adam Przeworski, ZNet, 9 October 2021
Spain's Supreme Court asks Italy for ‘immediate' handover of former Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont by Reyes Rincón and Daniel Verdú, El País in English, 1 October 2021
Former Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont released by judge after arrest in Sardinia by by Óscar López-Fonseca | Camilo S. Baquero, El País in English, 24 September 2021
Former Catalan premier Carles Puigdemont arrested in Sardinia by Óscar López-Fonseca | Camilo S. Baquero, El País in English, 24 September 2021
Catalonia: a fraught dialogue begins by Tom Canetti, Social Europe, 17 September 2021
How the far Right tried to exploit Spain's anti-austerity 15-M protests by Diana Cariboni, openDemocracy, 26 August 2021
A feminist foreign policy for Spain by Lourdes Romero, openDemocracy, 12 August 2021
Spain's VOX party and the threat of ‘international environmental populism' by Lluis De Naval, openDemocracy, 9 August 2021
Foreign tourist arrivals in Spain hit new low in first half of 2021 by Hugo Gutiérrez, El País in English, 4 August 2021
Foreign tourist numbers plummet in Spain to just 14% of 2019 levels by Edurne Martínez, Sur in English, 3 August 2021
Spain's tourism industry frets over risk of new UK travel restrictions by Hugo Gutiérrez | Eva Millán, El País in English, 3 August 2021
Spain drafts more ambitious historical memory bill amid wave of revisionism by Natalia Junquera, El País in English, 22 July 2021
UK tourists return to Spain: flight bookings triple since change to quarantine rules, El País in English, 20 July 2021
Coronavirus pandemic pushed poverty in Spain to highest levels since the Great Recession by Antonio Maqueda, El País in English, 16 July 2021
Spain's PM tells parliament there will ‘never' be an independence referendum in Catalonia by Javier Casqueiro | Xosé Hermida | Elsa García de Blas, El País in English, 30 June 2021
The Catalan pardons: what do they mean? by Tom Canetti, Social Europe, 28 June 2021
Pardoned Catalan separatists vow to fight on for independence by Cristian Reino, Sur in English, 24 June 2021
The Spanish Left vs. the rise of authoritarianism by Isa Ferrero, IPS, 24 June 2021
Spanish government approves pardons for nine jailed leaders of 2017 Catalan secession attempt, El País in English, 22 June 2021
In Spain, gender violence claims more lives in last 30 days than in first four months of 2021 by Pilar Álvarez, El País in English, 17 June 2021
British holiday bookings dry up 'costing' Costa hotels 25 million euros a week by Pilar Martínez, Sur in English, 17 June 2021
Thousands join right-wing parties in Madrid to protest pardons for Catalan separatists by Xosé Hermida, El País in English, 14 June 2021
Spain's right unites in fury as PM considers Catalan pardons by Sam Jones, The Guardian, 12 June 2021
Closed hotels and deserted streets: the unrecognizable face of Spain's tourism industry by Natalia Junquera, El País in English, 7 June 2021
The success of the Costa del Sol's summer is in the hands of the UK government by Pilar Martínez, Sur in English, 4 June 2021|
What happened to the municipalists in Spain? by Kate Shea Baird, Júlia Miralles, ROAR, 1 June 2021
Pardons for jailed Catalan independence leaders will be fast, limited and reversible by Carlos E. Cué, El País in English, 31 May 2021
Catalonia: time for a gesture? by Tom Canetti, Social Europe, 28 May 2021
Catalan premier takes oath of office pledging to make ‘self-determination inevitable' for the region by Àngels Piñol | Camilo S. Baquero, El País in English, 25 May 2021
Spain opens up to vaccinated tourists from 7 June - regardless of where they are from by Pilar Martínez, Sur in English, 21 May 2021
Travelers from the UK will be able to freely enter Spain from Monday with no restrictions and no coronavirus test by Simon Hunter, El País in English, 21 May 2021
Wages of tailism by Paul Demarty, Weekly Worker, 20 May 2021
Covid control measures eased as all of Malaga province moves to the lowest health alert level by Enrique Miranda, Sur in English, 19 May 2021
The Indignados Movement Changed Spanish Politics Forever by Juan Carlos Monedero and Eoghan Gilmartin, Jacobin, 15 May 2021
To Recapture the Spirit of the Indignados, Podemos Has to Speak to Working People by Paolo Gerbaudo, Jacobin, 15 May 2021
15-M: how Spain's ‘outraged' movement spawned political change by Guillermo Altares, El País in English, 14 May 2021
Ten years since the promises of the 'indignados' by Miguel Angel Alfonso, Sur in English, 14 May 2021
Pablo Iglesias to leave all of his roles in politics after leftist parties fail to stop PP victory at Madrid regional election by Paula Chouza, El País in English, 5 May 2021
Former PM Zapatero becomes latest Spanish politician to be sent threatening letter containing bullets by Óscar López-Fonseca, El País in English, 29 April 2021
Madrid premier receives death threat letter amid tense campaign by Carlos E. Cué | Rebeca Carranco, El País in English, 28 April 2021
Bank of Spain warns of tough post-Covid economic legacy for youths by Antonio Maqueda | Íñigo de Barrón, El País in English, 27 April 2021
Spanish tourism minister receives letter with bloody knife by Paula Chouza | Patricia Ortega Dolz, El País in English, 26 April 2021
Spanish minister and leftist leader receive letters with death threats and bullets by Patricia Ortega Dolz | Paula Chouza, El País in English, 23 April 2021
The letter ‘Ñ,' the identity of Spanish the world over by Alberto López, El País in English, 23 April 2021
Spain approves pioneering child protection law by María Sosa Troya, El País in English, 16 April 2021
The Bombing of Podemos's Offices Is the Latest Sign of Rising Neofascism in Spain by Eoghan Gilmartin, Jacobin, 6 April 2021
Basque ‘genetic singularity' confirmed in largest-ever study by Manuel Ansede, El País in English, 1 April 2021
European Commission calls on Spain for ‘coherence' over domestic, international travel restrictions by Lluís Pellicer | Hugo Gutiérrez, El País in English, 23 March 2021
Spain approves euthanasia law, becoming the fifth country in the world to regulate the practice by Emilio de Benito, El País in English, 18 March 2021
Spain to Experiment With 4-Day Workweek, 'an Idea Whose Time Has Come' by Brett Wilkins, Common Dreams, 15 March 2021
Catalonia: The EU's Secret Shame,, 10 March 2021
How Spanish democracy is under fascist threat by Isa Ferrero, openDemocracy, 3 March 2021
Spain: closed to domestic tourism but open to Europeans by Hugo Gutiérrez, El País in English, 3 March 2021
Third coronavirus wave pushes unemployment in Spain above four-million mark by Manuel V. Gómez, El País in English, 2 March 2021
Spanish repression, the EU and the left, Defend Democracy Press, 2 March 2021
Spanish government announces €11bn support package for hostelry, tourism sectors by Xosé Hermida | Antonio Maqueda, El País in English, 24 February 2021
Andalusian wage gap revealed as women earn an average of 6,000 euros a year less than men by José Luis Piedra, Sur in English, 22 February 2021
Catalan Independence Can't Win Without Broad Working-Class Support by Arnau Barquer, Jacobin, 20 February 2021
Spain risks more riots as free speech crackdown and rapper's jailing reveal a country still struggling to escape Franco's legacy by Damian Wilson, RT, 19 February 2021
Local tourism figures paint a desperate picture after a year of pandemic by Pilar Martínez, Sur in English, 19 February 2021
Violent protests erupt in Madrid and Catalonia over rapper's arrest by Miguel Cantón | Alfonso L. Congostrina | Rebeca Carranco | Josep Catà Figuls, El País in English, 18 February 2021
A century of Malaga's most historical café by Juan Soto, Sur in English, 11 February 2021
Muslims and migrants in Spain: How fake news is keeping minorities sidelined by Inigo Alexander, Middle East Eye, 7 February 2021
Spain's tourism industry feeling the loss of British visitors by Lucía Bohórquez | Guillermo Vega | Hugo Gutiérrez, El País in English, 4 February 2021
Spain's bars and restaurants confront their darkest hour by Daniel Lara | Alfonso L. Congostrina, El País in English, 2 February 2021
Malaga forced to close all non-essential activity after exceeding a Covid-19 infection rate by Alberto Gómez, Sur in English, 1 February 2021
Malaga, Marbella and four other major Costa towns on the verge of closing all non-essential activity by Alberto Gómez, Sur In English, 22 January 2021
Spain headed toward de facto lockdown amid surge in coronavirus cases by Ferran Bono | Cristina Vázquez | Jessica Mouzo, El País in English, 20 January 2021
Covid-19: Municipal borders to close in Malaga city and eight major Costa del Sol towns by Alberto Gomez, El País in English, 18 January 2021
For Spaniards who remember 1981, the storming of the Capitol looked eerily familiar by Giles Tremlett, The Guardian, 9 January 2021
The Spanish tourist sector closes its worst year since the 1970s by Hugo Gutiérrez, El País in English, 4 January 2021
Spain Proposes Going to a 4-Day Workweek by Bonnie Riva Ras, Goodnet, 22 December 2020
Could Spain introduce a four-day work week? by Esme Fox, Defend Democracy Press, 8 December 2020
Spain marks 42 years since return of democracy as retired officers dissent by Sam Jones, The Guardian, 6 December 2020
Spain's Left Is Winning the Battle for Welfare — But Not the War on Neoliberalism by Eoghan Gilmartin / Tommy Greene, Jacobin, 3 December 2020
Andalusia confines its municipalities and suspends all non-essential business activity from 6pm by Eva Saiz, El País in English, 9 November 2020
Spanish state: Splendour and decline of Podemos – Reasons for a farewell by Manuel Garí, ZNet, 31 Ocrtober 2020
Spanish prime minister approves new state of alarm with plans to keep it in place until May by Carlos E. Cué, El País in English, 25 October 2020
Spain heads toward another state of alarm by Pablo Linde | Juan Navarro, El País in English, 24 October 2020
Pablo Iglesias Tells Jacobin : We Want a Spanish Republic by Eoghan Gilmartin, Jacobin, 21 October 2020
‘The Lancet' criticizes Spain's management of the coronavirus crisis by Emilio de Benito, El País in English, 19 October 2020
Second wave ‘probably' starting to stabilize in Spain, says Health Ministry official by Emilio de Benito, El País in English, 16 October 2020
Spain's health minister predicts ‘short confinements,' a ‘different Christmas' by Tiziana Trotta, El País in English, 16 October 2020
Spain's economy will shrink more than most in 2020, says IMF by Luis Donce, El País in English, 13 October 2020
Revealed: Soviet spies targeted George Orwell during Spanish civil war by Harriet Sherwood, The Observer, 11 October 2020
More than 5.2 million Spaniards are now under coronavirus mobility restrictions by Jessica Mouzo | Juan Navarro, El País in English, 6 October 2020
Spain seeking to boost international image amid coronavirus crisis by Carlos E. Cué | Lucía Abellán, El País in English, 6 October 2020
The International Brigades by Giles Tremlett review – fighting fascism in Spain by Dan Hancox, The Guardian, 3 October 2020
How Spanish writer's novel about Eta terror campaign became global hit by Sam Jones, The Guardian, 25 September 2020
Waiting for tourists in southern Spain’s ghost coast by Nacho Sánchez|Jesús A. Cañas, El País in English, 24 September 2020
Echoes of Franco as Spain’s far right tells PM his government is ‘worst in 80 years’ by Elsa García de Blas, El País in English, 10 September 2020
Spain’s First Communist Minister Since the 1930s: “The Right Can’t Accept a Party Like Ours in Government” by Alberto Garzón, Eoghan Gilmartin and Tommy Greene, Jacobin, 3 September 2020
Spain experienced Europe’s worst job destruction in first half of the year by Antonio Maqueda, El País in English, 1 September 2020
Spain warned of dire impact of second coronavirus lockdown by Ashifa Kassam, The Guardian, 25 August 2020
Why is Spain being hit again by the coronavirus pandemic? by Oriol Güell, El País in English, 24 August 2020
With 7,039 new coronavirus cases in Spain, ministry warns: ‘Things are not going well’ by Oriol Güell, El País in English, 21 August 2020
'We're at a critical moment': Spain sees coronavirus cases surge again by Ashifa Kassam, The Guardian, 14 August 2020
Spain overtakes UK’s Covid-19 case count by Emilio de Benito, El País in English, 7 August 2020
Covid-19 crisis devastates Spain’s tourism industry by José Luis Aranda|Javier Salvatierra, El País in English, 5 August 2020
Spain’s emeritus king Juan Carlos I to leave country amid tax haven scandal by Miguel González, El País in English, 3 Auust 2020
Spain reports nearly 1,000 new daily Covid-19 cases, El País in English, 3 Auust 2020
Spain's economy posts historic 18.5% quarterly fall due to coronavirus lockdown by Antonio Maqueda, El País in English, 31 July 2020
Spain records 1,153 daily coronavirus cases, the highest figure since May 1 by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 30 July 2020
Spain's fight for a just recovery by Fernando Rejón Sanchez, Social Europe, 29 July 2020
Spain reports over one million job losses during coronavirus crisis by Manuel V. Gómez, El País in English, 28 July 2020
The conditions for a coronavirus spike in Spain were clear. Yet no one saw it coming by Giles Tremlett, The Guardian, 28 July 2020
The conditions for a coronavirus spike in Spain were clear. Yet no one saw it coming by Giles Tremlett, The Guardian, 28 July 2020
UK's new quarantine rule spells disaster for Spanish travel industry by Sandra López Letón, El País in English, 27 July 2020
Spanish deputy PM urges investigation into Catalan spyware claims by Sam Jones, The Guardian, 16 July 2020
Spain’s intelligence service has spyware program that targeted Catalan politicians by Miguel González, El País in English, 16 July 2020
With over 100 coronavirus outbreaks, more Spanish regions make face masks mandatory by Emilio Sánchez Hidalgo | Camilo S. Baquero, El País in English, 13 July 2020
Welcomed and feared: How tourists in Spain are being received amid the coronavirus crisisby Belén Fernández, El País in English, 13 July 2020
Another town is possible: community wealth building in the Basque Country by Ben Wray, openDemocracy, 10 July 2020
Spain’s new minimum income scheme: a victory and a historic failure by Koldo Casla, openDemocracy, 6 July 2020
Former UN expert decries Spain's 'utterly inadequate' social protection system by Sam Jones, The Guardian, 6 July 2020
Lessons from the pandemic for the municipalists in Spain by Kate Shea Baird, ROAR, 26 June 2020
Spain approves ‘new normality’ rules as Covid-19 cases rise, El País in English, 25 June 2020
Spain squashed coronavirus. Will British tourists undo all that hard work? by Giles Tremlett, The Guardian, 25 June 2020
Spain’s ‘new normality’ – the new rules region by region by Oriol Güell, El País in English, 21 June 2020
As Spain enters the ‘new normality’ on Sunday, what will change? El País in English, 20 June 2020
Spanish Covid-19 expert: ‘There is more virus circulating now than before the state of alarm' by Elena G. Sevillano, El País in English, 16 June 2020
With 70% of Spain in Phase 3 of the coronavirus deescalation plan, the regions resist allowing free movement by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 15 June 2020
Spain will reopen borders to EU states on June 21, Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez tells regional chiefs, El País in English, 14 June 2020
Spain edges closer to ‘new normality' with final coronavirus phase change by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 12 June 2020
Spain prepares for last phase change of coronavirus deescalation plan by Jessica Mouzo | Silvia R. Pontevedra, El País in English, 11 June 2020
EU's call to open internal borders by June 15 increases pressure on Spain by Álvaro Sánchez, El País in English, 11 June 2020
Spanish Cabinet approves decree for ‘new normality’ after coronavirus state of alarm ends by Pablo Linde|Elsa García de Blas, El País in English, 9 June 2020
Spain sees rise in air pollution as coronavirus lockdown eases by Manuel Planelles, El País in English, 9 June 2020
Spain’s guaranteed minimum income scheme will reach 255,000 people by June 26, says PM by Carlos E. Cué, El País in English, 7 June 2020
Regions under Phase 3 of coronavirus deescalation will allow free movement from Monday, El País in English, 6 June 2020
More than half of Spain moving to Phase 3 of coronavirus deescalation plan on Monday by Emilio de Benito, El País in English, 5 June 2020
Spain adopts conservative attitude to restarting European travel by Carlos E. Cué, El País in English, 5 June 2020
After bitter debate in Congress, Spain's PM secures extension to state of alarm by Anabel Díez | Javier Casqueiro, El País in English, 3 June 2020
Spain approves guaranteed minimum income scheme for vulnerable families by Manuel V. Gómez, El País in English, 29 May 2020
70% of Spain will be in Phase 2 of coronavirus deescalation plan by Monday, government announces by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 28 May 2020
Spain will lift two-week coronavirus quarantine for overseas arrivals from July 1, El País in English, 25 May 2020
Spain's guaranteed minimum income scheme set to assist 850,000 families by Manuel V. Gómez, El País in English, 25 May 2020
What changes under Phase 1 and 2 on Monday? by Cecilia Jan, El País in English, 24 May 2020
Spanish PM: Overseas tourists will be able to return to Spain from July, El País in English, 23 May 2020
Spanish PM finds support in Congress for fifth extension to state of alarm, El País in English, 21 May 2020
How Europe underestimated the danger of the coronavirus pandemic by Oriol Güell, El País in English, 19 May 2020
More unemployment and lower wages: Coronavirus crisis dimming the prospects of young people in Spain by Miguel Ángel García Vega, El País in English, 18 May 2020
Coronavirus deescalation plan: Everything you need to know about the changes in Spain on Monday by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 17 May 2020
Spanish PM will request one last extension to the state of alarm, this time for a month, El País in English, 16 May 2020
The revolt of the 1% against the coronavirus ‘oppression' in Spain by Manuel Viejo | Lucía Ramos Aísa, El País in English, 16 May 2020
Spain's Civil Guard warns about risk of social unrest due to Covid-19 crisis by Óscar López-Fonseca, El País in English, 15 May 2020
Spain to extend restrictions on international travelers until June 15, El País in English, 15 May 2020
The Finnish exodus from Fuengirola by Ivan Gelibter, Sur in English, 14 May 2020
Antibody study shows just 5% of Spaniards have contracted the coronavirus by Borja Andrino | Daniele Grasso | Kiko Llaneras | Elena G. Sevillano, El País in English, 14 May 2020
Spain's reeling tourism industry objects to travel restrictions by Hugo Gutiérrez | Ramón Muñoz, El País in English, 13 May 2020
How the coronavirus crisis destroyed work-life balance in Spain by Ana Alfageme | Beatriz Lucas, El País in English, 13 May 2020
Spain to introduce 14-day quarantine for international travelers by Álvaro Sánchez, El País in English, 12 May 2020
Uncertainty looms as more businesses open in Spain under Phase 1, El País in English, 11 May 2020
Portugal: misma península y con cinco veces menos muertes por habitante que España por Pablo Linde | Javier Martín del Barrio, El País, 10 mayo 2020
As half of Spain moves to Phase 1 of coronavirus deescalation, what will change? El País in English, 9 May 2020
Spanish government announces areas that will move to the next phase of coronavirus deescalation by Juan Carlos Espinosa | Emilio de Benito | Juan José Mateo | Isabel Valdés, El País in English, 8 May 2020
All of Spain's regions request moving to Phase 1 apart from Catalonia and Castilla y León by Jessica Mouzo, El País in English, 7 May 2020
What if Spain's state of alarm comes to an end on May 9? by J. Gálvez, El País in English, 5 May 2020
Spain's PM gears up for fight to extend state of alarm by Carlos E. Cué, El País in English, 4 May 2020
Health Ministry will allow social meetings of up to 10 people under Phase 1 of Spain's deescalation plan by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 2 May 2020
Spain allocates time slots for outdoor activity, El País in English, 1 May 2020
Spain's deescalation measures – what we know so far by Miguel Ángel Medina, El País in English, 29 April 2020
Spain's prime minister announces coronavirus deescalation measures, El País in English, 28 April 2020
Spain may allow confined citizens out for walks on May 2, says PM, El País in English, 25 April 2020
Spain will scale back confinement at different speeds, say experts by Emilio de Benito, El País in English, 24 April 2020
Spanish PM secures support to extend state of alarm after fierce criticism in Congress, El País in English, 23 April 2020
Genetic analysis suggests that the coronavirus was already circulating in Spain by mid-February by Manuel Ansede, El País in English, 23 April 2020
Screens between tables and sanitary welcome kits: How Spain's tourism industry is preparing for life after lockdown by Fernando Peinado | Gorka R. Pérez, El País in English, 22 April 2020
Spain will begin deescalation of coronavirus measures without knowing the incidence of the epidemic by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 22 April 2020
Regional premiers call on Spanish PM to allow citizens to exercise in the open air by José Marcos, El País in English, 19 April 2020
Spanish PM to seek extension to state of alarm, will allow children to leave the home from April 27, El País in English, 18 April 2020
Catalan premier seeks to further independence cause during coronavirus crisis by Pere Ríos | Camilo S. Baquero, El País in English, 18 April 2020
Spanish firm that spied on Julian Assange tried to find out if he fathered a child at Ecuadorian embassy by José María Irujo, El País in English, 15 April 2020
Spain's public employment services swamped by millions of coronavirus-related jobless claims by Josep Catà Figuls | Manuel V. Gómez, El País in English, 14 April 2020
Spanish Health Ministry warns that the coronavirus could be spreading in homes by Emilio de Benito, El País in English, 14 April 2020
‘I don't know why the heck we have to go back if there's no way of staying apart' by Noor Mahtani | Miguel Ángel Medina | Eva Saiz | María Pitarch, El País in English, 13 April 2020
As some Spaniards return to work today, experts debate whether it is still too soon by Jessica Mouzo, El País in English, 13 April 2020
Spain eases some restrictions on workers, hoping Covid-19 cases will not spike again by Hugo Gutiérrez and Pablo Linde, El País in English, 11 April 2020
Daily coronavirus deaths in Spain fall to 605, the lowest figure since March 24 by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 10 April 2020
Congress backs PM's request to extend confinement measures in Spain until April 26, with a further 15 days likely by Anabel Diez, Javier Casqueiro, El País in English, 10 April 2020
Why does Spain have the world's highest coronavirus mortality rate? by Oriol Güell, Miguel Ángel Medina, El País in English, 7 April 2020
How the 2008 crisis compares with the coronavirus fallout in Spain by José Luis Aranda, El País in English, 7 April 2020
Spain's intensive care units finally get some respite after coronavirus overload by Jessica Mouzo, Elena G. Sevillano, Daniele Grasso, El País in English, 7 April 2020
Daily coronavirus deaths continue downward trend in Spain, with 674 in the last 24 hours, El País in English, 5 April 2020
Spain's coronavirus crisis: Why the numbers are failing to show the full picture by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 5 April 2020
The first steps after lockdown ends: How will Spain return to normal life? by Pablo Linde, El País in English, 5 April 2020
Spain sees sharp drop in daily coronavirus deaths, El País in English, 4 April 2020
Spanish government to extend state of alarm until April 26 by Carlos E. Cué, Natalia Junquera, Sonia Vizoso, El País in English, 4 April 2020
Spain sees new grim record of daily coronavirus deaths, with 950 victims in just 24 hours, El País in English, 2 April 2020
Coronavirus crisis brings worst March on record for Spain's labor market by Manuel V. Gómez, El País in English, 2 April 2020
Coronavirus cases in Spain now exceed 100,000 with more than 9,000 total deaths, El País in English, 1 April 2020
Spain's emergency coronavirus measures to be lifted gradually by Anabel Diez, El País in English, 1 April 2020
El Gobierno levantará las medidas del estado de alarma de forma gradual por Anabel Díez, El País, 1 Abril 2020
Drop in intensive care patients brings hope to Spanish hospitals by Oriol Güell, El País in English, 1 April 2020
After small reprieve, daily coronavirus deaths spike in Spain once more, El País in English, 31 March 2020
Daily coronavirus deaths fall slightly in Spain but total infections exceed China's, El País in English, 30 March 2020
Spanish government tightens lockdown to include all non-essential workers by José Marcos, El País in English, 29 March 2020
Coronavirus in Spain: Five crises rolled into one by Elena Sevillano, María Sosa Troya, El País in English, 27 March 2020
Coronavirus deaths in Spain now exceed 4,000, with 655 in just 24 hours, El País in English, 26 March 2020
Spain's coronavirus victims rise by 514 in a day, with 2,700 dead and nearly 40,000 infections, El País in English, 24 March 2020
640,000 rapid coronavirus tests arrive in Spain by Elena G. Sevillano, Pablo Linde, Sonia Vizoso, El País in English, 23 March 2020
Spanish PM calls on European Union for a Marshall Plan and ‘coronabonds' by Jesús Sérvulo González, El País in English, 22 March 2020
Spanish government to extend state of alarm for 15 days by José Marcos, El País in English, 22 March 2020
Spain exceeds 1,000 coronavirus deaths with no clear idea if peak is close by Oriol Güell, El País in English, 21 March 2020
Spain registers second-highest daily rise in coronavirus infections in the world, El País in English, 16 March 2020
Spain closes its borders to contain spread of coronavirus, El País in English, 16 March 2020
Coronavirus: Spain to quarantine 47m people as entire country put into lockdown by Andrew Buncombe, Independent, 14 March 2020
Spanish PM: “Themeasures we are going to adopt are drastic and will have consequences”, El País in English, 14 March 2020
Spanish government declares state of alarm by Carlos E. Cué, Claudi Pérez, Elsa García de Blas, El País in English, 13 March 2020
The Catalan Crisis Threatens to Reopen a Debate That the EU’s Power Brokers Thought They Had Long Ago Quashed by Thomas S. Harrington, Counterpunch, 23 January 2020
Spain’s Foreign Ministry approves reopening of Catalan ‘embassies’ by Lucía Abellán and Camilo S. Baquero, El País in English, 17 January 2020
Catalan premier promises elections if he is removed from his role by Camilo S. Baquero, El País in English, 15 January 2020
An Interview with Embattled Catalan President Quim Torra by Thomas S. Harringtom, CounterPunch 14 January 2020
Catalan separatists take seats as EU lawmakers, promise to push secession by Thierry Chiarello, Johnny Cotton, Ashifa Kassam, Reuters, 13 January 2020
EU parliament stops recognising jailed Catalan separatist as lawmaker, Reuters, 10 January 2020
Brussels recognizes jailed Catalan leader as MEP, despite Electoral Commission notification by Álvaro Sánchez, El País in English, 8 January 2020