Bruno Jäntti
- Syyrian demokratiamieliset jäivät islamistien jalkoihin, 17.1.2019
- Syyrian sodasta ja uskomuksesta, jonka mukaan länsimaiden Syyrian politiikka on ollut aikaansaamatonta ja hampaatonta,
- Anti-Muslim propaganda – the rise of an industry (audio), 20 February 2017
- Syyrian sisällissota ja demokratian vastavoimat (äänite), 26.10.2016
- Iran's Kurdish Leftists Share Experience of Post-Revolution State Repression
By Bruno Jäntti and Airin Bahmani, 1 March 2016
- On Racism, Patriarchy and Corruption in Iraqi Kurdistan, 25 January 2016
- "Enlightened" states defeating the wicked non-state foe, 20 January 2016
- Islamic State Group: A Political Agency, 13 November 2015
- Israel's Absurd Attacks on BDS Reveal Its Desperation, 19 October 2015
- Negative Freedom, US Liberals and Saudi Arabia, 14 September 2015
- The Hypocrisy of Criticizing the Confederate Flag While Whitewashing US Foreign Policy, 9 September 2015
- Struggle by Turkey's Kurds Will Succeed But What About Palestine? 26 August 2015
- Western Media Continue to Ignore the Palestinian Human Rights Community, 26 July 2015
- Bad Flags and the Good Flag, 26 June 2015
- Are Israeli Occupation Soldiers Better Sources than Palestinian Human Rights Groups? 1 June 2015
- Israel's New Knesset Mainstreams Fascist Rhetoric, 14 May 2015
- Spring in Rojava, winter in Rojhelat, 7 May 2016
- Virulent Anti-Muslim Racism in the US Cultural Sphere, 6 May 2015
- Countering Israel's Apartheid Regime: ICAHD Rebuilding Camp, 29 April 2015
- On Racist Incidents, Organized Racism in Finland, 13 April 2015
- Momentum of xenophobic right in Finland, 8 April 2015
- Benjamin Netanyahu's Anti-Semitic Rhetoric, 30 March 2015
- 'Radicalisation' - A Buzzword Singling out Muslims? 17 March 2015
- American anti-Arab and anti-Muslim Racism, 26 February 2015
- 'No Position for or against the War', 12 February 2015
- Erdogan Unmasks Turkey, 14 January 2015
- Rise of IS Brings Turkey's Rabid Rejection of Kurdish Rights to Fore, 4 January 2015
- Powerlessness and Confusion: The EU and Israel, 1 January 2015
- Enough symbolic votes, it is time to take real action on Israel, 22 December 2014
- Rejecting International Law and Palestinian Rights: The Peace Process Industry, 19 December 2014
- Witnessing a Home Demolition Operation in East Jerusalem, 7 December 2014
- No Apologies: U.S. Aggression Against Vietnam, 14 November 2014
- Rebuilding Camps in Occupied Palestine, 1 November 2014
- Finland Eager to Deepen Arms Trade Collaboration With Israel by Airin Bahmani and Bruno Jäntti, 22 October 2014
- What do WikiLeaks, Manning and Snowden Reveal about US Political Culture? 30 September 2014
- Finland–A Neutral Peacemaker Extraordinaire, 15 September 2014
- It's time for the EU to impose sanctions on Israel, 2 September 2014
- Black Flag Rises in the Middle East, 30 August 2014
- Collaborating with Israel, 11 August 2014
- Catastrophic State of the Israeli Jewish Political Milieu, 10 August 2014
- The EU, the US and the Plight of the Palestinian People, 13 July 2014
- Arms trade with Israel eroding Finland's global stature, 29 June 2014
- Lähi-itä liipasemilla by Bruno Jäntti ja Ilan Pappe, 24.5.2014
- Four decades after Vietnam, 7 May 2014
- Should Finland join NATO? 18 April 2014
- Middle East: Russian roulette or conflict resolution? by Bruno Jäntti and Ilan Pappe, 30 March 2014
- Rejoinder to the Israeli Ambassador Dan Ashbel, 14 March 2014
- Finland acquires Israeli military equipment, services for over 50 million euro, 25 February 2014
- Why the Helsinki Conference is crucial for the Middle East by Johannes Hautaviita and Bruno Jäntti, 11 December 2013
- Finnish-Israeli arms trade flouts EU regulations, 27 May 2009
Bruno Jäntti is an investigative journalists specializing in international politics. / Bruno Jäntti on kansainväliseen politiikkaan erikoistunut tutkiva toimittaja.
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